
Own Your Faith Ministries

I founded Own Your Faith Ministries in 2015 with the desire to provide a space for healing and mentoring. My heart is to shepherd people to a place of wholeness. We all come with some degree of brokenness (whether we believe that or not) yet we never lose our value and worth to the Almighty. The world around us can be a cruel, traumatic, and unforgiving place. This ministry hopes to be a beacon of light in the midst of that world providing life-on-life ministry to the best of our ability.

My life was profoundly changed by the mentorship of those who cared enough about me to be in my life and allow me to see the good and bad in their lives. It is this transparency and authenticity that impacted me and drew me to a committed life in Christ. My desire is to pass that along to others. I remember thinking back in 2005, “Everybody needs this!” So the DNA of our ministry is mentorship to develop mentors and leaders for all who are a part of our church community. We do this in a intercultural context embracing the beauty of many cultures as well as welcoming the various expressions of worship.

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